Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Your Donation Helps Trusted Mentors meet the need in 2019

As we approach year's end, I am turning to you to make a financial donation to help Trusted Mentors continue this important work.  The needs continue to grow, as funding becomes tighter.  
Our end of the year goal is to raise $30,000. This is double the amount that we've raised in past years so every donation will make a difference towards achieving it! 

Can you help us mentor more in 2019?  The need increases to mentor more young adults as they become independent adults. The need increases to help more people successfully leave prison and become employed leading to the ability to give back. The need increases to provide a supportive mentor that helps people remain housed and not give up to return to the streets. 

There are multiple ways to make a donation. Please take the time to make this important contribution. You can: 

Text "Give2018" to 50155 and follow the prompts

Mail a check to Trusted Mentors, 546 E. 17th St, Suite 102, Indianapolis, IN 46202

 And talk to us about sponsorship of our 2019 Upcoming Events! Individual and corporate sponsors are welcome!
 THANK YOU for all you do!

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